Friday, October 23, 2009

Friday, October 23, 2009

Yea! It is Friday! A lot has happened since I was on yesterday. I decided not to wait on the decision to be selected for Women First Jorge Cruise "Lost Belly Fat by Christmas" and joined the 12 week program yesterday.

Last night I began my Belly Fat Cure (BFC) program with Jorge Cruise and am really excited about it. You know I am if I am up at 7:20 in the morning to share. While I've made good progress with Shannon, I realize that I have made some strategic mistakes with only counting the carbs. The jest of BFC:
1. Pick your protein
2. Determine your fats (butter, not margarine, olive oil, etc.)
3. Count your Sugar and Carbs - S/C The magic number 15/6.
That is 15 grams of sugar and 6 servings of carbs. If the carb count of a serving is under 5 grams, then you don't have to count it as a serving of carbs. So 5-20 carbs is one serving, 21-40 is 2, and 41-60 is 3. At first I didn't understand it, but after watching my week one class video and he showed us, I got it! So, Doritos have 0 sugars and 21 carb grams per 1 serving of doritos. So that would be a 0/2. Then all you have to do is track your sugar grams and carb servings and not go over the 15/6.

Here is the really good news. All the butter, bacon, sausage, eggs, avocados that I know and love have 0/0! Walnuts have 0/0. Here is the kind of bad news; the club soda and splash of juice I've been drinking is not a good choice if I want to knock out my body fat.

So instead, Sobe Life Water, Zevia, Tea and Water, Plain Club Soda will be my choice of drinks. Look for a new Godiva sugar free chocolate bar and red wine. I can have chocolate and 2 5 oz. glasses of wine every evening if I want it.

I leave you with these ideas from Jorge Cruise:

Fat does not make you Fat!

If life is worth living, it's worth recording. Carry a journal with you!

Mantra to repeat to yourself several times during the day.
Instant health is my divine right and I claim it now

Time for me to cook breakfast for my first day of BFC, so I am logging off.

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like you are doing well so far! I am very excited for you
